{Christmas} Day 8: The Nutcracker

December 8, 2011 § 2 Comments

I remember as a child, my Grandma always had her Nutcracker displayed exactly where us grandchildren could truly appreciate it.  It was one of my favorite Christmas decor pieces in her home.  I would study every detail & make sure it was still in perfect working condition.  Life was so simple at that age.

Now I find joy in seeing my little one race to see the Nutcrackers each and every time we are out & about.  It’s one of his favorite things to admire during the Christmas season.  He studies them carefully & makes sure they are also in good working condition.

Photograph & Nutcrackers by West Elm

I still appreciate the traditional kind but these modern versions have now won my heart over.  Can you guess?  Yes, the white ones are of course my favorite!

Do you display Nutcrackers in your home?



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